Its works so great that is why aquaponics system is truly a remarkable system ever made. Plants in the aquaponics growing bed get its all nutrients from fish waste. The plants as a filter to clean up the water where the fish keep live in. This is truly beneficial environment for both. That what is aquaponics do.
You need to know that both aquaponics systems compliment each other as single unit, not in seperate units.
You want to know what is aquaponics system cycle? It is so simple to understand it. Water from fish tank is pumped to plants in the grow beds by 24 hour operated water pump. Water contain fish waste feeds the plants (such as tomato's. cucumber, lettuce other green leafy vegetables) in aquaponics growing beds full with gravel/clay pebble/round river stone so the plants can suck all the nutrients. Finally the water automatically flow back in fish tank via gravity or pump (depend on your aquaponics plans). This water already cleaned because plants doing this jobs naturally. The cycle keep continue 24/7 until you switch off.
What is aquaponics really amazing us because aquaponics system reduced water needed. Only 10% of water required than traditional gardening or fish farming. It is so amazing right? So efficient. Its basically just recycled the water. Aquaponics system is the future of home gardening. Also the best method for commercial fresh food production.
Aquaponics system is self-contained eco system that works. Reduced water, increased production much more faster than before.
No chemical substance use or produce. 100% organic farming. In fact, do not ever try to use chemical substance in this natural cycle such as plant's fertilizer or fish food that contain chemical substance, you aquaponics system will totally fail! The fish die, the plants also die.That is why so important you need to know aquaponics system build in a green house.
Do you know what is aquaponics much more exciting to build in you backyard? Beside you have your own aquaponics system that have fish and organic plants, automatically you will build your own earthworms compost by using your excess organic vegetables material and the earthworms to feed your aquaponics fish. No waste produce anymore! Brilliant right?
Please visit this website for further information about 'What Is Aquaponics?' CLICK HERE
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